iphone case target

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iphone case target

Uphill battleThe smartphone world needs a new mobile operating system like it needs a hole in its head. The troubles of Research in Motion's BlackBerry OS, the fizzling of HP's WebOS, and Microsoft's extraordinarily expensive push behind Windows Phone shows that it's not easy catching up to the two dominant operating systems. Mozilla, though, has a leg up because of its Web-app focus. Many native iOS and Android apps these days actually use a browser engine to render their user interfaces, and those will be an easy fit for B2G phones.

"We take apps already being built for mobile devices and desktops, and let them run with a little bit of extra goodness on your phone," Eich said, That extra goodness takes the form of a host of interfaces Mozilla is working on with World Wide Web Consortium's Device API group, Mozilla wants everything standardized so that Apple or Google could build Boot to WebKit--the browser engine they use--and Microsoft could build Boot to Trident, Eich said, Hardware interfacesHardware interfaces to let browser apps handle lower-level hardware are in different states of maturity, "NFC [near-field communications, used for tap-to-pay systems] is on our agenda, but it's farther out, It's not yet a hot item, But definitely telephony, controlling the camera, and vibration" are important areas now, Samsung, another WebKit user, put iphone case target its weight behind the interface for telling the phone to vibrate, Eich said, "Geolocation and accelerometer support [for determining a phone's position and location] are there, Gyro and compass support is part of our plan, Bluetooth and USB is, even."To help with software sales and distribution, Mozilla is answering the Apple App Store and Android Market with the Mozilla Marketplace--an app store that can integrate with others app stores by exchanging digital receipts, Going hand in hand is an identity system; the two together will ensure that software bought at one app store won't have to be re-purchased at another..

The B2G components include Gecko in the middle, the Gonk Linux layer hidden beneath, and the Gaia user interface at the top for things like the traditional grid of icons to launch apps. Gaia is basically just a Web page, and it's easily substituted if a company wants to present a different look. Indeed, that's exactly what Telefonica is doing with called Open Web Device (OWD), Eich said. The B2G approach makes it easier for companies to build a consistent interface across multiple devices, he said.

Of course, that variety means some potential for confusion among customers, And programmers--already saddled with multiple native OSes and varying degrees of fragmentation within iphone case target each--will have yet another potential set of headaches, With B2G, Mozilla hopes to increase the clout and capability of Web apps, That would to lead to a mobile world where it doesn't matter so much if you're using an iOS, Android, or other device, much as today it doesn't matter much if you're using a browser on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X..

It's an ideal the organization hopes customers will appreciate. But Mozilla knows it has to build something compelling on its own, just like Firefox caught on because of its practical merits more than its principled stance. "The majority use Firefox because it's an excellent browser that does what they want it to do," said Jonathan Nightingale, director of Firefox Engineering. With B2G, "the way we take it to market is by having a compelling service people want to use."The Firefox developer has a serious partner to bring its browser-based mobile OS to market, and Qualcomm is helping with hardware.

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